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Welcome to Pinnacle Girls Soccer Boosters

The Booster Club is fundamental to the Pinnacle Girls soccer Program. Together, the Boosters work to deliver a striking soccer experience for players at all levels. The Booster Club supports many programs where the district budget is unable to cover, such as:

  • uniforms and other team apparel

  • tournament entry fees for teams

  • travel expenses for varsity tournaments

  • specialized equipment and training aids

  • snack bar support for all home games

  • end of season banquet





Snack Shack Coordinator:

Banquet Coordinator:

Lunch Coordinator:

Shelley Straub

Thithi McWilliams

To be named

To be named

To be named

To be named

Important Information

AIA Sports Participation Fee:

  • $200.00 AIA Fee

  • Pay online at the Pinnacle WebStore or at the IT office in back of the Pinnacle Media Center.

  • Mandatory fee. Fees go directly to AIA & does not support the Pinnacle Girls Soccer Program.

  • Must be paid or will be ineligible to play.

  • Can be paid on the Pinnacle WebStore

Due by: 


Soccer Booster Club Fee:

  • Booster club fees cover the funds needed for the activities the athletes participate in (tournaments, banquet, etc), training, and apparel.  Athletes can leverage the fundraising opportunities to cover these fees or can choose to pay these fees directly to the Booster club.

    • Total fee (If you sign up a Corporate Sponsor, this fee is covered)

    • Funds go to support the Girls Soccer Program

Due By: 

Make checks out to Pinnacle Girls Soccer and turn into Booster Club.


FEE SUMMARY = $200 for AIA Sports Participation +$


Snack Bar Duties

  • The snack shack is one the key fundraising functions that helps fund many of the team, e.g., banquets, awards, training, equipment, senior day, etc.

  • Parents are responsible to sign up to work the snack bar for 1 home JV or Varsity game. We will try to do this online this year.

  • Parents must work the game they signed up for. If you are unable to work the game you signed up for, you must find your replacement or switch with another parent. There are not other parents available to cover your shift.

  • Each parent will also need to donate an item to the snack bar. This item will need to be purchased and dropped off by the date communicated by the Snack Shack Chair, To be announced


For each game, 2 team parents (either Varsity or JV) are needed to serve lunch for the Varsity & JV Teams. Lunch and drinks will be catered.


Additional Details:

  • Location: Pinnacle High School (Mr. Goldstone's classroom).

  • Time: 11:36 to 12:06 pm [Wednesday - 11:37 - 12:08].

  • You will need to arrive early (11:00am) to obtain a visitor's badge and allow some time to set up.  Sign in at office to go to Mr. Goldstone's (C210) room and get a cart from counseling's office.  Meet delivery at 11:15am, door by room C121 (NW corner of C building).  Find Security for elevator key.  

  • It is your responsibility to cover the lunch you have signed up for. If you are unable to cover the lunch you signed up for, you must find your replacement or switch with another parent.

Game-Day Lunch Sign-Up

Snack Shack Sign-Up

For each home game, two parents from the Varsity (2) and Junior Varsity (2) are needed to manage the Snack Shack.  The snack shack is one of the key fundraising functions that helps fund many of the team activities, e.g., banquets, awards, training, equipment, senior day, etc.


All parents are asked to participate in making the most of this fundraising effort. Please complete the below sign-up by December 3rd - our first home game is January 7th, 2020. The buttons below will link you to the appropriate Varsity or JV sign-up genius. 


Additional Details:

  • Location: Pinnacle High School field - Snack Shack.

  • Time: Varsity parents support the JV games [3:45 - 6:00 pm] - JV Parents support the Varsity games [5:45 - 8:00 pm]

  • It is your responsibility to cover the shift you have signed up for. If you are unable to cover the shift you signed up for, you must find your replacement or switch with another parent. There is not another parent to step in for you if you do not show up.

  • NOTE: Your daughters will also be assigned a food or drink item to bring into school that will be sold at the snack shack.

  • If you have any questions please contact, Shelley at

Team Support

There are many ways to support the Pinnacle Girl’s Soccer team! 

  • Volunteer to help with Booster activities. 

  • Make personal donations. Take advantage of the Arizona Public School Tax Credit Program (ARS 43-1089.01). 

    • This tax law allows taxpayers a tax credit of up to $200  (Single) or $400 (Married couple) if they contribute to character education programs or extracurricular activities in public schools. 

    • This tax credit is available to ALL State of Arizona taxpayers, regardless of whether they have children in school. 

    • It is a tax credit, therefore a dollar for dollar credit subtracted from the amount of Arizona State tax owed (Full refund of your money when filing state taxes).

  • Contact friends and family that live in Arizona but don’t already participate in this program, you can ask them to donate to the Pinnacle High School Girls Soccer Program.

  • You can donate online through the Pinnacle Web Store or you can download the Tax Credit Form and Mail it in.

Be sure to specify Pinnacle High School as the school as the designated school and designate the money to go to Other: Girls Soccer Athletic Fund.



Sponsorships are critical to the success of the Pinnacle Girls soccer program. We welcome our corporate neighbors to become a valued and integral partner to our program by becoming one of our 2020 - 2021 sponsors. 

Please contact one of the co-presidents for more information. 


 If you need more information, please contact  Thithi McWilliams or Shelley Straub(Co-Presidents).


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